torsdag, augusti 30, 2007
Börja om från början/Start all over again
I wonder were my brain was when I knitted sleeve nr 2 on hubbys sweater. I managed to miss a hentire pattern part at the beginning of the sleeve. So today I ripped it all up and started all over again. Therefore I don't think I will manage to finish of 3 things in the World Champion Knit. Finished 2 things but the sweater was planned to be the third. I will cross the finishing line long after everybody else:-).
lördag, augusti 25, 2007
VM-stickar?/Worldchampion knits?

Tror ni inte att jag missade startskottet hos Bortaboijn. Fast lite friidrott fick jag se inatt i alla fall. Vi var bortbjudna så när vi kom hem såg jag lite grann på VM.
fredag, augusti 24, 2007
VM-stickning/World Champion knitting
I've joined the World Championship in athletics at Bortaboijn. It will be fun. Though I wonder if I will reach the finishing line in time. And I'm not quite sure on what to knit. Will tell you later on.
tisdag, augusti 21, 2007
Glad, ledsen och arg/Happy, sad and mad
Today I'm both happy, sad and mad. when I arrived home after a long day at work I found a package in the mailbox. Who's it from? Don't remember I've ordered anything. Quickly I open it and see that it's from my hemlis Saltflingan. An absolutely wonderful package. She hit the jackpot. Yarn in a fabulous lilac colour, matching beads, a box for the beads and chocolate. To open such a package makes you happy.
Vad som gör mig ledsen är att jag inte får träffa henne. Hon hade planerat att komma hit till Eskilstuna med det sista paketet så att vi kunde träffas, men tyvärr har hon inte den tiden.
What's made me sad is that I won't meet her in personal. She had planned to come here to Eskilstuna in person with the last package so we could meet, but she hasn't that time.
Arg blir jag på mig själv. Jag har en kamera men den ligger på jobbet just nu. Där håller jag på att fota alla nya elever jag fått för att kunna lära mig namn. Den kameran skulle jag behövt ha hemma nu så ni kunde få en bild på mitt underbara paket. Ska försöka ordna det i morgon.
Mad I am at myself. I've got a camera but I've left it at work right now. I'm using it to take photos of all my new students in order to learn there names. But right now I need it here so you could see this wonderful things. Will try to take some tomorrow instead.
söndag, augusti 19, 2007
MS3 klar/MS3 finished
lördag, augusti 18, 2007
Mälaren runt/Tour Mälaren
I had absolutely forgotten that it was the big MC tour round Mälaren today. It's one of Northern Europes biggest. We saw it in the newspaper and they drive past here and Kvicksund. Because of that we quickly got to our car and went to Västerås before all the bikes should come. We took a stop in Kvicksund on our ay home instead. That's one of the traditionell stops for the bikers. At Kvicksund we sat down and looked at all the bikes for an hour before we drove home. Maybe next year we will take out our bike and drive to. At least part of the tour. To bad I forgot my camera but here you can look at pictures from previous years and there will soon be pictures from this year to.
Garnspanet på Kampes mm/Yarn watching at Kampes mm
And at last a picture on what I will do during the weekend. Work. Planning lessons in history for example. Our students starts on monday. Of course there will be some knitting to. The last clue on MS3 came yesterday. We shall also take a trip to Västerås. Visit Biltema. Got a tip on what I could use as blocking board. Have to try it.
måndag, augusti 13, 2007

hemma igen/home again
I'm home again after some wonderful days. We shall see if Ican tell you all in the right order. We left town early Thursday morning and drove to Sjötorp. There we had breakfeast an looked at Göta Kanals ending in Vänern.
Sedan körde vi vidare till Mariestad, men först fick jag ett stopp vid Kampes ullspinneri. Naturligtvis så kom det lite garn med därifrån. Bild kommer senare. Kampes ligger alldeles utanför Mariestad så det var inte långt in till stan där vi tittade runt lite, men ingen shopping. Istället for vi vidare till Kinnekulle. Synd bara att det var lite disigt. Så vi kunde bara ana Läckö slott som var vårt nästa mål.
Then we drove on to Mariestad, but first a stop at Kampes woolery where I did some buying. Pictures later. It's just outside Mariestad so after that it wasn't far to go. In Mariestad we looked around for at bit but didn't buy anything. Instead we left and drove to Kinnekulle. To bad but it wasn't that clear weather so we could hardly see Läckö Castle witch where our next stop.
Vid Läckö åt vi vår medhavda lunch och som ni ser hade vi lunchgäster. Därefter for vi raka spåret till Åmål, med bara ett litet stopp för kaffepaus. I Åmål blev maken kvar hos svärföräldrarna. Själv åkte jag vidare vidare till Karlstad och äldsta dottern på fredagen. Och för stickstämma på Hammarö under helgen. Maken kom efter till Karlstad på lördag kväll.
At Läckö we ate our lunch and as you can see we had lunch guests. After that we drove straight to Åmål were hubby stayed with his parents. I drove on to Karlstad to my oldest daughter on Friday. And the knitting meeting at Hammarö during the weekend. Hubby came after to Karlstad on Saturday evening .
Stickstämma del 2/knitting meet part 2
Nu är det olika ytmönster som gäller.
Today we try some different patterns.
Vi prövar på grytlappar.
We try it on potholders.
Här intervjuar en journalist Barbro.
Here is a journalist from a lokal newspaper interviewing Barbro.
Hur var det nu det nu man skulle göra?
How was it you should knit this?
En bild på mina påbörjade alster (halsduk, pulsvärmare, väska och grytlapp). Nu är det bara att sticka färdigt dem. Halsduken kom en bit på väg när vi åkte hem på kvällen. Hade sådan tur så maken körde hela tiden så jag stickade hela vägen.
A picture of the things that I started this weekend (scarf, wristwarmer, bag and potholder). now i've only have to finish them. I knitted a bit on the scarf during the travel home because hubby drove all the way this time.
Här är häftet som vi fick.
Here's the booklet we got.
Allt som allt har det varit en underbar helg och jag har inte hunnit smälta allt ännu. Vill ni se mer bilder kan ni titta in hos IngerF och Veronica.
All in all it has been a wonderful weekend and I haven't landed yet. If you wish to see more pictures you can visit IngerF ad Veronica.
Stickstämma del 1/Knitting meet part 1
tisdag, augusti 07, 2007
Litet stopp hemma/Small stop at home
Last week on the summervacation and it's moving along in 110. Or that it has done the last two weeks. Right after our minicruise our oldest daughter with boyfriend arrived for a couple of days. Took a trip with the boat. Then just one day pause, then my parents-in-law arrived. A trip to Mariefred and Gripsholms castle was on the calendar and so was a trip in our boat. When we was in Mareifred I went to Hamilton design, but I didn't buy any yarn, just the new Vogue knitting. After the parents-in-law had gone home we took our boat and went out for ourselfs for a couple days. Absolutely wonderful weather so I'm a bit redish looking right now.
Right now we are home for one day just to wash and pack again for a trip with the car. We are going to do Sjötorp, Mariestad, Kinnekulle and Läckö castle. After that I'm going to drop hubby of in Åmål. Then drive up to Karlstad and Hammarö for a knitting event. But this time I want forget the camera as I just did. I'm coming home on sunday afternoon. And on Monday I start work again.