What a day. It all started when I woke up and saw that it was raining. It aint't that fun to see that. The only good thing about rain is that you can sit inside and knit. So I took hold of my Yarnwinder to wind up more yarn for my dragon. At the same time I intended to wind the Grignasco for MS3. The Viva yarn for the dragon went well, but when I started on the other yarn it didn't work that well. First of all it was very entangled so I had to wind by hand. When at last I was coming to the end, after about 1½ hour, the yarn was split in several parts. That doesn't make you happy. Luckily there is about 70 grams before the first break so it will be enough yarn whitout joining. At least according to the information we have gotten. The remaining 30 grams is in a skein of it own that actually I could wind with the woolwinder. But there are several interruptions.
Efter detta var jag så irriterad så det gick knappt att prata med mig. Ända tills jag hämtade posten. Där låg ett paket från min Hemlis med roliga saker inuti. Jag blev jätteglad. Det var Johanna Wallins häfte om att sticka vantar, en härva ullgarn från Morjärvs ullspinneri och färgpulver. Gissa om jag blev glad. Häftet om vantar hade jag funderat på att köpa och likadant med färgpulvret. Vill prova att färga. Har inte gjort det tidigare. Nu ska jag ha kul. Och vem säger nej till en härva från Morjärvs ullspinneri. Inte jag i alla fall.

After this I was so irritated that I almost wasn't speakable. Until I fetched the mail. There was a package from my Hemlis whit nice things inside. I became very glad. It was Johanna Wallins booklet about mittens, one skein wool yarn from Morjärvs ullspinneri and colouring powder. You can guess that I became very happy. Both the booklet and the powder I've been thinking of buying. I want to try colouring. Haven't done that before. Now I'm going to have fun. And who says no to a skein from Morjärvs ullspinneri. Not me anyway.
Detta gjorde att jag fick så mycket energi att jag vågade mig på nystningen igen. Tog fram en härva garn från Färgkraft som jag köpte på Syfestivalen senast. Och visst måste det varit trolleri för ny gick det hur lätt som helst att nysta garn. Inget trassel bara att snurra på.

This gave me more energy so I dared take upp the winding again. Took hold of a skein from Färgkraft that I bought at the sewing festival. And it must have been magic because now it went just fine to wind. No problems at all just wind.
Så du ska ha tack min Hemlis. Först och främst för det underbara paketet. Men också för att du gjorde att min dag slutade så bra. Fick ju även en ledtråd på vem du kan vara. Så nu börjar jag få mina funderingar. Ska fundera lite mer. Tack och åter tack.
So thank you my Hemlis. First of all for the wonderful package. But also for helping my day be great in the end. I also got a clue on who you might be. I'm beginning to wonder. Just need some more thinking. Thank you, thank you.
Som ni alla kan se slutade min dag bra trots att det fortfarande regnar. I morgon ska jag försöka lägga upp bilder på mina färdiga projekt. Om det inte regnar vill säga. Vill gärna ta korten utomhus.
As you all can my day ended just well even though it still rains. Tomorrow I will try to put up some pictures of my finished projects. If it not rains. I want to take the pictures outside.
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