Now my easter vacation is over. Time for work again tomorrow but it has been nice to have some time off. We did a small travel to Tallin over Easter but the rest of the wek we have been home. When we were in Tallinn I found a market near out hotel were there was one that sold yarn, but I didn’t buy anything even though it was nice wool yarn. We also found a market in the old town were there was some people that sold knitted things. I talked about knitting whith an old women that sold beautiful shawls and other knitted things. Sorry to say I forgot to take some photos. You will have to be satisfied with other photos instead.
Har även stickat klart en del saker. Bland annat min Silvester stola, men den har jag inte orkat blocka ännu så ingen bild på den ännu. Däremot blev jag klar med årets först par sockor före påsk.
I also finished some knitting. First my Silvester stole but that one isn’t blocked yet so no photo yet. I also finished the first pair of socks for this year.
Pattern: Fox Faces socks
Needles: 2,25mm
Yarn: Austermann Step
Jag har också stickat min första Baktus scarf, men inte min sista. Enkelt och trevligt mönster. Perfekt resestickning.
I’ve also knitted my first Baktus scarf, but it ain’t my last one. Simple and nice pattern. Perfect travel knitting.
Pattern. Bactus scarf
Needles: 3mm
Yarn: Marias Handpainted sock yarn (75% wool, 25% bamboo)
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